For a large or medium organizations Logo is not just an identity, to build a brand identity system it needs to provide a combined vision and design that helps to build a brand in market and in eye of consumer.
A Brand
In simple way, Brand is a faith and trust of consumer’s belief. We are proud to use and trust so many products and services around us.
An Identity
The visual campaigns, that represent the company. Identity is the style guideline used as a framework for campaign like Stationery, Marketing Collateral, Packaging, Signage, Digital projects and many more.
A Logo
To create Brand Identity Design first company needs a stunning Logo Design. That can be an icon (mark or symbol), text base or combination of both. Logo should be in simple form so that it can be utilized in any application without hassle.
Firefox Logo by Martijn Rijven of Bolt Graphic
Brand Identity System
Once you are ready with your Brand Logo design, process of identity visualization starts. The purpose of the identity is to shape methodical visual design around the brand logo. Visual design campaign is created around logo with color theme, which suits company business and logo.
The Style Guidelines
Brand Style Guidelines are very important for growth of any brand, which includes Logo usage, Typography, Color Scheme, Layout style and many more. According to Brand Guidelines entire campaign runs in market across world or region.
Here is a style guidelines of popular Walmart brand